St. Antony's Matric Higher Secondary School
About Us

St. Antony’s Matric Higher Secondary School
St.Antony’s Matric. Hr. Sec. School, was started by Founder Rev.Fr.Dr.A.Savarimuthu, Ph.D(Spirt)., USA on 24th March, 2003. Ours School is having the system of Co-education. The school is a Co-Educational English medium school. The School, recognized by Govt. of Tamil Nadu follows the curriculum of the Samacheer Kalvi.
I.Mariaselvam, M.A., M.Ed., Correspondent And Managing Director
Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance. Our aim of education is to teach the pupils rather how to think, than what to think to improve pupils’ minds, so as to enable them to think for themselves, then to lead the memory with thoughts of other men.
I strongly believe in ‘Victor Hugo’s’ words – “ A man who opens a school door, closes a prison”. Thus, our aim is to help the pupil reach new heights in their dreams and aspirations to create a bright future for themselves. The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from them. With best wishes and prayers.
A. Radhakrishnan, M.S., B.Ed., PGDCA., Principal
“One child, One Teacher, One pen and One book can change the world.”
–Malala Yousafzai
Every student is unique for education. The effective teacher creates opportunities for the students in their real-life situations. We take great pride in our school; we want our students to be proud of their school & take pride in various aspects of their development. The students are expected to enhance the reputation of the school by way of behavior in society.
Students are motivated to develop leadership skills and a thorough understanding of interdependence. Special emphasis is placed on the need to serve others while actively contributing to the school community and society as a whole.
The school is a three-storeyed building with spacious classrooms. In addition to electric fan and light provisions, each classroom is sufficiently furnished with sitting and writing benches. There is an intercom facility too. The school accommodates 1500 children.
The school aims at the all-round development of the children. It means moulding the children into responsible and value-based citizens with holistic personality development, which involves,
- Intellectual
- Emotional
- Social
- Spiritual Dimensions
We have a fully qualified, experienced and dedicated team of teachers who fulfill the intellectual quest of the children and set of very kind helpers to take care of the physical needs of the children.